To Be a Mermaid; Breath Hold
A man sitting underwater and another diving underwater with no tanks

The goal of this workshop is to safely and painlessly extend breath hold time. Freediving is the art of being under water, without the use of scuba. We strive to gain enough time to make the experience enjoyable, comfortable and and safe. Topics include safety, relaxation, effects of pressure, streamlining and issues with the ears. The workshop will be conducted on Friday and Sunday morning at the Triangle Aquatic Center in the olympic pool. From novice to advanced, you will learn something useful to your practice. This workshop is limited to 25 students.

John Jay

Instructor John Jay has been practicing breath holds and free diving since the early 70s. Diving is huge part of his life and well as the creatures of the sea. He was 12 when he started and it took well over a year get to 2 minutes. With the tools he has learned many students break 2 minutes within days of his class. Certified as a PADI instructor in 87, John continued to gather instructor cards and training for many years. NAUI, IANTD NACD and NSS-CDS. He has since quit cave diving and most deep diving. Trimix may not be all the way out of his life, yet. Tech diving provides great skill in gaining more distance on the same amount of air, on scuba or holding the breath. Combined with meditation and breath hold practice horizontal swims of 100 meter become easy and enjoyable.